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Gillespie, Illinois, United States
Experienced,artistic and passionate soap artisan. New Artfire store up here: ~*~ Don't forget to check out my Wild Sense aromatics Fan Page on Facebook too!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

New Soap Hutch Soap Mold

The FedEx truck pulled up late this morning and I almost attacked the poor man bringing me in my box. You see, I knew it contained my new Soap Hutch mold. I simply could not contain my excitement! If you've never heard of these or seen one, they are the Bentley (better than a Rolls Royce) of soap molds. I used to think Uplands were the best. Well, no offense to them intended, but this mold makes wood, silicone and rubber bands seem really old fashioned. And let me tell you, as I unwrapped it and put it together I realized it's even better than I thought it would be. I actually cried as I put it together. I mean really and truly wept tears of joy over this mold.  To which my husband commented "Gee honey, you didn't cry over the new sectional sofa I just bought you for Christmas".  Poor, dear man. I do love my new couch; it's super comfy. But it lacks one thing. It can't make soap.

 Super smooth plastic sides and dividers...absolutely superb craftsmanship and the best thing about it, is that I can configure it a zillion different ways!  Okay, well not technically a zillion, but I can use it as a slab mold with or without dividers, as one two or three log molds, smaller slabs, pour individual bars or a really small test batch etc.  It all fits together tightly in puzzle pieces -I think they're really called slats and sides, but I liken it to a puzzle as it was admittedly a tad tricky to figure out the more interesting configurations, lol. Rich Bartko, the creator of these molds says to call him with any questions so I know he's there if I ever have a problem, but I did want to figure it out on my own, as it's my favorite new toy er... I mean professional tool.
Mine was custom made to be able to pour up to three bars deep as a slab, so basically I can make as little as one bar,  pour one to three 3 lb logs, or as much as 21 lbs as (divided) slabs of soap in this mold, as well as other smaller combinations of logs or slabs as needed.
A thousand thanks to Tammy Tivis of Elements Bath And Body!

Also like to say thanks to soapmakers Sindy Anderson of Sinfully Sweet Soap and Lori Curry of Magellan's Gift for referring me to Rich in the first place.
I'm definitely going to be buying a couple more of these and I'd recommend them to anyone and everyone who makes soap. My only regret is that these weren't around when I first started making soap or I doubt I'd have ever used anything else. I'll be shouting about these from the rooftops to anyone who'll listen.

I've just finished master batching for my next week or so, so as soon as I am able to unmold the first slabs I certainly will be back here with photos for you to ogle.
For now, you'll have to content yourselves with eyeballing the photos of just the mold alone.


  1. I can't wait to start oogling!! 8 P

  2. I just want to call you names and scream and stomp in green-eyed jealousy. Instead, I will act like my inner adult and say, GREAT! That is fantastic.

  3. Hello - wondering if you still love this mold? Does it really work with no liner at all?? Thanks!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing this great blog.Very inspiring and helpful too.Hope you continue to share more of your ideas.I will definitely love to read.
